How a diverse board of directors can benefit a business
6 July, 2023
A board of directors is an important part of a company’s corporate governance structure, as it provides oversight and guidance to the company’s management team. A diverse board of directors that includes individuals with different backgrounds, experiences and perspectives can bring a company many benefits in areas such as decision-making, innovation and reputation. 1. Improved […]
How non-executive directors can help companies navigate risk and uncertainty
20 June, 2023
Economic volatility, technological change and increasing competition: these are just some of the challenges that companies face today. To plot a safe course, businesses need strong leadership and a high-performing board of directors. Non-executive directors (NEDs) play a critical role in helping companies to mitigate risk and uncertainty and to build long-term success. Here are […]
How non-executive directors can foster ethical business practices
7 June, 2023
Ethical business practices are crucial to the success and sustainability of any company. Today’s consumers, employees and investors are increasingly concerned about ethical corporate behaviour. Non-executive directors (NEDs) play a critical role in ensuring that businesses maintain high ethical standards and operate in a responsible manner. 1. Independence and objectivity Because NEDs are typically not […]
Why non-executive directors are key to business growth and innovation
1 June, 2023
In today’s competitive business environment, companies must constantly innovate and grow in order to remain successful. This can be a challenge, particularly for established companies that are facing increased competition and changing market conditions. Non-executive directors (NEDs) play a critical role in helping companies to drive growth and innovation, and can provide a range of […]
Good governance: how a non-executive director will help you achieve it
23 May, 2023
Transparency, accountability and integrity are the hallmarks of good corporate governance. And the key to ensuring that these qualities permeate a company’s culture is to have a strong board with the ability to understand, recognise and nurture them. This ability is key to avoiding corporate governance failures that can have disastrous consequences for a business. […]